With local gyms shutting down, it's more important than ever to find a safe way to maintain out workout routines! Your health is #1, which means also staying active as regularly as possible, even while stuck at home in quarantine or self-quarantine.

As a reminder that it IS possible to get a great workout in at home with no equipment, we've put together a group of Blogilates workout videos we can all to do to make sure our booties are POPPIN'. 🍑 🤪 What can we say - look good feel good, right??? ✌️

For real though, guys, working your glutes is about more than just looks: exercising releases endorphins, & can help keep your spirits up in tough times!! No matter the reason, we're TOTALLY down for any of these workout videos. 

1. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, Build a Booty Workout | POP Pilates for Beginners is for YOU. Trust us: your legs will be SHAKING in no time!!! 🙃

2. Ready to kick things up a notch? With Booty Poppin // PIIT you'll be SO sore, but we promise you're gonna LOVE it anyway!!! 

3. With this 12 Minutes to Toned Booty Workout , you're just. gonna. DIE. 😳 But it'll be SO fun, and you'll be DONE in just twelve minutes!!! 

4. Only got a second?? It's time for a song challenge!! 🎶 Try Bad Guy Booty! A glute workout inspired by Billie Eilish for a four-minute workout you'll be feeling all. day. long!!

5. OMG we've saved the best for last!!! 20 Minute Natural Glute Enhancing Isolate Workout is CRAZY INTENSE but so, so worth it. 💁‍♀️✌️

ARE YOU READY??? We're ready...we think! (these videos are KILLER!!) 

Song challenge, isolate workout, POP Pilates or PIIT: There's no wrong choice, but we still can't decide where to start!! 🤷‍♀️ Which video are you going to do first?