Soooo we've been having a Pink versus Blue face-off on Instagram. And it's getting pretty intense!

We are currently designing our next collection and need to know which color speaks to you most. After all, you guys are the ones who will be wearing it! So let's collab and design together!

Meet our two front runners from the Pantone color contest! Rose Quartz vs Lyons Blue:

Not sure how you feel yet? Ok let's set the tone give each color the chance to romance you. Here's the Rose Quartz mood board! Soft, bashful, lovely, cheerful, and feminine. How does it make you feel? 

Now it's Lyons Blue's turn! We're feeling majestic, strong, earthy, and refreshed. Oh, and that puppy...OMG. Can we please have it!?

So what are you guys leaning towards?! We love having you involved in the design process, so comment below and let us know if you want to see Rose Quartz or Lyons Blue in our next collection! We're taking this voting process VERY seriously and need to know ASAP! 

Unlike any other activewear company - or even apparel company - when we say we design for our audience, we mean it. We want you here every step of the way. This is a community effort and from here on out, it's going to be a collaboration between you and POPFLEX for years to come.!


Definitely the blue one! :)

— Sara

They both look so beautiful! But if I really had to choose, it would be Lyons blue. It’s just makes me feel active just looking at it.

— Uyen

Lyons blue. Very refreshing and creative.

— Sharon

Lyons Blue!! :)))))

— Ashley

I’m on team Lyon’s Blue! It shows how magical we are, without overwhelming our bodies.

— Grace

I like pink but I would wear that blue all day <3

— Belen

I vote and choose Lyons blue

— Citlali

Blue all the way!!

— Mary


— Annie


— Monika

Blue all the way!!

— Dori

I really like both colors. I’m not a huge fan of pink but that rose quartz looks stunning. But if I had to choose one, it would be blue. I agree with Rebecca that there’s already enough pink women’s workout clothes. Im having the struggle to find boxing gloves that aren’t pink xP

— Amanda

When can we expect this release?

— Leendapham
Both gorgeous!! Wish it could be both! But if I have to pick, definitely the Lyons Blue
— Ellie S.

My favorite is the Lyons Blue.

— Cherie

They’re both really pretty colors! I think they’d look really pretty together but if I had to pick one, it’d be the blue!

— julia

I am definitely leaning towards the Lyons Blue! It’s so rich and is just a gorgeous color!

— Ericka

I am definitely leaning towards the Lyons Blue! It’s so rich and is just a gorgeous color!

— Ericka

I’m 1000% here for the Lyons Blue! I do like pink (and the Rose Quartz is gorgeous) but I don’t wear it much. I also often feel like there’s a lot of pink women’s workout clothes already out there; the blue would stand out and is also soooo pretty.

— Rebecca