There are SO MANY benefits to drinking water. You think it's a simple thing (and it is), but the list of benefits associated with regular, constant hydration sounds like something COMPLETELY mystical and magical. Drinking lots (and LOTS) of water day in and day out has been associated with:
- Keeping joints lubricated
- Getting nutrients to all of your hard-working cells
- Making sure your organs can do their job well
- Being able to fall asleep, deeply, every night
- Having the most radiant, glowy skin
- Rocking your workouts and your daily projects
- Feeling vibrant and energized and ready to take on the world
- Just being all-around happier
Doesn't that sound great? (Drinking water can also help reduce headaches!)
We're willing to bet that this isn't exactly news, as cool as it sounds. 'Drinking more water' is a goal that many, many people have. What we're here to do is help make hitting your daily water intake goals a little prettier, more manageable, and more fun!
Habit science tells us that you're SO SO SO much likelier to keep up excellent habits if you use a tracker, tackle the habit with a community, and make it a fun challenge.
Are you ready for this?
Good! We are, too!
WELCOME to the 30-Day Water Challenge!
We whipped up these gorgeous printables to help you literally watch your healthy hydration levels grow over 30 days. Click on the tracker of your choice to print high-quality image!

So excited to try this 30 day water challenge with my new popflex water bottle! :D